Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Associating a client to an AI service

Beyond the default AI setup are custom AI installations. 
For custom AI installations, the first task is to assign a client to an installation service.
It's necessary to identify the MAC address used by the client for network booting.
On X86 that's the MAC address of a connected interface associated to PXE.
On SPARC any connected interface can be used for network booting.

For example, a client is associated to the solaris11-i386 installation service as follows:

# installadm create-client -n solaris11-i386 -e 68:b5:99:c1:e6:58

AI may not be able adjust ISC-DCHP at all or exactly as needed.
In any case, check the ISC-DHCP configuration and adjust it, if necessary.

To list assigned clients for all (custom) services:

# installadm list -c 
Service Name   Client Address  Arch  Image Path
------------   --------------  ----  ----------
solaris11-i386 08:00:27:AF:4C:5B   i386  /export/auto_install/solaris11-i386
               68:B5:99:C1:E6:58   i386  /export/auto_install/solaris11-i386
At least on X86 it's necessary to adjust GRUB default boot image:

# ll /etc/netboot/
total 10
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  ...  0168B599C1E658 
                               -> ./solaris11-i386/boot/grub/pxegrub
drwxr-xr-x  19 root root  ...  default-i386
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  ...  menu.lst.0168B599C1E658
drwxr-xr-x  19 root root  ...  solaris11-i386

# grep default /etc/netboot/menu.lst.0168B599C1E658