Thursday, December 27, 2012

Manual wireless connection

For the sake of absolute simplicity I'll assume here the DefaultFixed NCP.
My wired and wireless interfaces have been respectively renamed to e0 and w0.

In this scenario, to manually establish a Wi-Fi connection is not that difficult.
The best of all is that you can do it with a few CLI commands.

You may need to double-check what wireless networks are in range:

# dladm scan-wifi

To connect to a secure wireless network you need to define a security object.
This object will typically store a WPA2 shared secret key:

# dladm create-secobj -c wpa secobj-W0
provide value for 'secobj-W0':

confirm value for 'secobj-W0':


# dladm show-secobj
OBJECT               CLASS
secobj-W0            wpa

Now it shall be possible to successfully connect to the proected wireless network.
Specify the wireless network, the security object and the wireless interface:

# dladm connect-wifi -e W0 -k secobj-W0 w0

If everything went well you'll get something such as:

# dladm show-wifi
w0         connected    W0        wpa    excellent  g      54Mb

# dladm show-link
LINK                CLASS     MTU    STATE    OVER
w0                  phys      1500   up       --
e0                  phys      1500   unknown  --

We have just enabled the link w0 corresponding to the secure wireless network W0.
Now just conclude the usual network configuration over the link w0.
For instance:
# ipadm show-if
lo0        loopback ok       yes    --

# ipadm create-ip w0
# ipadm show-if

lo0        loopback ok       yes    --
w0         ip       down     no     --

# ipadm create-addr -T dhcp -h vbox-1 w0/v4
# ipadm show-addr

lo0/v4            static   ok 
w0/v4             dhcp     ok 
lo0/v6            static   ok           ::1/128

This setup do not not automatically reconnect to W0 upon reboot.
Would this be by design of the fixed network configuration? I do not yet know.
By contrast, the reactive network configuration, such as the Automatic NCP does.
After a reboot it suffices to reenter the dladm connect-wifi command as above.

By the way, before shutdown or reboot it's advisable to manually disconnect.
Not issuing dladm disconnect-wifi before shutdown causes it to take a long time.

Renaming network interfaces

Since OpenSolaris Crossbow project it's possible to rename network interfaces. This capability is also know as vanity names. This is of great help in organizing and documenting system configuration.

By default, the physical names will be abstracted to net0, net1, and so on...
The net prefix can be tweaked on svc:/network/datalink-management:default.
See the linkname-policy/phys-prefix SMF property.
See also dlmgmtd(1m).

In most cases it seems advantageous to rename interfaces.
For example, assume a desktop with both a wired and wireless connection.
By default, there will exist both net0 and net1.
But it could be easier to give them more meaningful names.
Assuming the wired interface is net0 it could be renamed to e0 (for ethernet).
By the same token I'd rather rename net1 to w0 (for wireless).
To accomplish this it suffices to:
# dladm rename-link net0 e0
# dladm rename-link net1 w0 

But note that you can only do this if the link is not busy.
Otherwise you get error messages such as:

# dladm rename-link net0 e0
dladm: rename operation failed: link busy    

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Network Configuration Profiles

Solaris 11.1 documentation has greatly improved on this area.
Network Configuraton Profiles (NCPs) types are now very clearly described:
  • Fixed
    There can exist only one per system.
    The system-generated one is called DefaultFixed.
    This NCP is generally used by the Text Installer.
  • Reactive
    There can exist as many as needed.
    The system-generated one is called Automatic.
    This NCP is generally used by the GUI Installer.

Of course it's paramount to know the implications of each NCP type.
After installation, netadm command can be used to select the active NCP type.
The reactive NCP type may be mostly interesting for non-server installations.
Nevertheless I believe certain server installations may profit from them as well.

To make the system use the default fixed NCP:

# netadm enable -p ncp DefaultFixed
# netadm list -p ncp 
TYPE        PROFILE        STATE
ncp         DefaultFixed   online
ncp         Automatic      disabled  

To make the system use the default reactive NCP:

# netadm enable -p ncp Automatic
# netadm list -p ncp 
TYPE        PROFILE        STATE
ncp         DefaultFixed   disabled
ncp         Automatic      online

Under Solaris 11 Express things are quite different.
And after a live install, ipfilter may stay in the way.
(if so, one should find out more detail under /etc/nwam)

The automatic stuff is called Network Auto Magic (nwam).
The procedure to revert to a fixed configuration is as follows:

# svcadm disable network/physical:nwam
# svcadm enable network/physical:default
# svcadm disable ipfilter

Then the manual configuration can be carried out as usual.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

SPARC History

The more I know about SPARC the more I like it.
Originally, there were something else than just about money.

Today we have the clear indication of key Oracle application features going into the silicon.
I hope all this is kept as "extensions" that don't cripple the original spirit of SPARC.
Here are some of my favorite "historical" videos:

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Solaris Studio 12.3 installation

The best way to install Oracle Solaris Studio is to set up a local IPS repository.
After the above activities are completed, the installation is very easy:

# pkg install solarisstudio-123

It's important to adjust the PATH and MANPATH environment variables.
At some point on .profile add the following lines:

export PATH

export MANPATH

All this is very simple and we can start coding and compiling right away.
Nevertheless, I would highly recommend using a remote build host.

IPS repository access

The procedure is well and fairly documented but I'll attempt an additional summary.
Once the IPS repository creation is done, an access method must be chosen.
Please, assume the creation settings according to the above link.
If the repository is to be used:
  • Just within a single physical system, global zone and/or non-global zones:
    It may be more efficient to use a file based origin (URI).
    Non-global zones may inherit settings which is nice.
  • By multiple physical systems or virtual machines, such as in remote building:
    A network transport, such as HTTP or HTTPS is the best.
    Note that you may also refer to http://localhost, of course.
For the file based origin it's as simple as:

# pkg set-publisher -p /export/depot/studio

For the networked version, things are slightly more complicated.
If simply setting up HTTP(S) access to a Solaris repository just do:

# FMRI=pkg/server
# URI=http://depot-1/solaris

# svccfg -s $FMRI setprop pkg/inst_root = /export/depot/solaris
# svccfg -s $FMRI setprop pkg/readonly = true
# svccfg -s $FMRI setprop pkg/proxy_base = astring: $URI
# svccfg -s $FMRI setprop pkg/port = 80
# svccfg -s $FMRI setprop pkg/threads = 10

# svcadm refresh $FMRI
# svcadm enable $FMRI
# pkg set-publisher -G "$DEFAULT" -g "$URI" solaris

But if, in addition, for instance, also setting up HTTP(S) access to Solaris Studio repository, it will be necessary to set up an additional instance of the svc:/application/pkg/server SMF service. Note how the new instance, studio, just contains a few overrides.

# FMRI=pkg/server:studio
# URI=http://depot-1/studio

# svccfg -s pkg/server add studio

# svccfg -s $FMRI addpg pkg application

# svccfg -s $FMRI setprop pkg/inst_root = /export/depot/studio
# svccfg -s $FMRI setprop pkg/readonly = true
# svccfg -s $FMRI setprop pkg/proxy_base = astring: $URI
# svccfg -s $FMRI setprop pkg/port = 81 
# svccfg -s $FMRI setprop pkg/threads = 10
# svccfg -s $FMRI addpg general framework
# svccfg -s $FMRI addpropvalue general/complete astring: studio
# svccfg -s $FMRI addpropvalue general/enabled boolean: true

# svcadm refresh $FMRI
# svcadm enable $FMRI
# pkg set-publisher -g "$URI" solarisstudio

IPS repository creation

This post is about the first steps on establishing a a local IPS repository.
But once this is done establishing access to it is covered on a separate post.
In addition, after these previous tasks are complete, it may be necessary to update it.

For instance, the best way to install Oracle Solaris Studio is to set up a local IPS repository.
The procedure is reasonably well and fairly documented, but let's review it anyway.

What may not be very clear is that by default a local repository would be assumed to rest in /var/pkg/repo, even though it doesn't exist by default. This means that a dedicated ZFS dataset could or should have its mountpoint property set to this default, although it could be better to use symbolic links yielding something similar to /var/pkg/solaris/11.x/release and /var/pkg/solaris/11.x/sru-# and so on... But below, as dealing with Studio packages instead of OS packages, I've followed the crowd and created something completely apart. Anyway, note that in addition to compression (compression=on), access time could be turned off (atime=off) to buy some performance:
# zfs create rpool/export/depot
# zfs create -o compression=on rpool/export/depot/studio
# zfs get -r compression rpool/export/depot
NAME                       PROPERTY     VALUE     SOURCE
rpool/export/depot         compression  off       default
rpool/export/depot/studio  compression  on        local
# pkgrepo create /export/depot/studio
# ll /export/depot/studio

-rw-r--r--   1 root root   78 Nov  6 10:45 pkg5.repository

I'll use the support version of the repository which requires an Oracle support plan.
With no support plan the release version can be used according to terms and conditions.
For both versions it's necessary to get certificate(s) at
# cd /var/pkg/ssl
# ll Studio_Support.* 
-rw-------  1 root  root  753 ... Studio_Support.cert.pem
-rw-------  1 root  root  887 ... Studio_Support.key.pem

I'll use an script to populate and later update the local repository. If behind a proxy, set http_proxy and https_proxy accordingly. But sometimes a proxy/firewall can block the several TCP connections from the remote port 443 to random ports and the symptoms are stalls or ugly messages. In case of difficulties check your command line, your certificates and then the proxy/firewall settings. Perhaps you may need to temporary alter your wired connection and temporarily bypass something.

# cat update-studio
#!/bin/sh -

pkgrecv -s $SOURCE -d $TARGET --key $KEY --cert $CERT '*' 
[ $? -eq 0 ] && pkgrepo refresh -s $TARGET

But IPS repositories are not only useful for Solaris Studio.
In fact, it's crucial for Solaris 11 itself.

Start with just the initial release version of the repository.
Later, it can turn into a multiple support release updates repository.
The big picture is rather simple:
  1. Create a dedicated file system;
  2. Obtain just the release packages.
It follows a real example of the overall process.
For obtaining the release packages, two methods are available.

As always, begin by creating a dedicated ZFS file system.
Ideally, set compression and atime properties as already described.

# zfs create rpool/export/depot/solaris

The release packages can be found at
Alternatively, download and concatenate a split ISO file.
I'm not sure which is the most efficient.

I do know that burning the ISO file, instead of lofs-mounting it is bad idea.
It'll take much longer to receive all the packages.
Underlying seek in optical media isn't efficient.
The manifests processing is specially awful.

Getting the release packages.
Choose one of the following options.


# pkgrepo create /export/depot/solaris

# URI=
# pkgrecv -s $URI -d /export/depot/solaris '*' 
Processing packages for publisher solaris ...
Retrieving and evaluating 4401 package(s)...
Download Manifests ( 369/4401) -
# pkgrepo refresh -s /export/depot/solaris


# lofiadm -a /export/archive/sol-11_1-repo-full.iso
# mount -F hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt
# ll /mnt
total 29
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  root    2.0K ... repo
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  root    1.3K ... NOTICES
-rw-r--r--   1 root  root    3.2K ... COPYRIGHT
-rw-r--r--   1 root  root    7.4K ... README
(on an Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.40 GHz with slow single disk)
# time rsync -q -aP /mnt/repo/ /export/depot/solaris

real    8m23.000s
user    1m20.248s
sys     3m43.634s

Under VirtualBox that could be ridiculously more time consuming:
real    173m51.306s
user    1m19.884s
sys     3m14.512s
# umount /mnt
# lofiadm -d /dev/lofi/1

# zfs get referenced,compressratio rpool/export/depot/solaris
NAME                        PROPERTY       VALUE  SOURCE
rpool/export/depot/solaris  referenced     6.07G  -
rpool/export/depot/solaris  compressratio  1.15x  -

# pkgrepo rebuild -s /export/depot/solaris
Initiating repository rebuild.

Up to this point the task is finished.
But for good practice and also for later incremental updates, snapshot it:

# zfs snapshot rpool/export/depot/solaris@release

On this post I've been using rpool/export/depot.
In fact what I prefer is to create dedicated pools.
That is, one for export and other for depot.

$ zpool list
depot    149G  38.1G   111G  25%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
export   464G   339G   125G  73%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
rpool   55.5G  14.4G  41.1G  25%  1.00x  ONLINE  -

Let me show a basic scheme that's been useful for years:

# zfs list -o name,mountpoint -t all -r depot | grep -v bk
NAME                              MOUNTPOINT
depot                             /depot
depot/software                    /depot/software
depot/solaris                     /depot/solaris
depot/solaris/11.2                /depot/solaris/11.2
depot/solaris/11.2@release        -
depot/solaris/11.3                /depot/solaris/11.3
depot/solaris/11.3@release        -
depot/studio                      /depot/studio
depot/studio/12                   /depot/studio/12
depot/studio/12@release           -

# ll /depot/solaris/ /depot/studio/
total 9
drwxr-xr-x   3 root root ... 11.2
drwxr-xr-x   3 root root ... 11.3
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root ... current -> 11.3

total 5
drwxr-xr-x   3 root root ... 12
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root ... current -> 12


Monday, November 5, 2012

C++ remote build host setup

It's not that difficult to setup the a remote build host.
The problem is that it's not fully and/or clearly described in documentation.
In addition, there's a small caveat or trick to get it working: Internal Updates.

For the general setup, Oracle has pointed me out to the following good references:
To begin, install Oracle Solaris Studio on every local coding and remote build hosts.

On the coding nodes, hosts with a GUI, update all plug-ins, notably the C/C++ one.
This will assure the correct configuration and operation of remote build hosts.
You should see something similar to the following:

C/C++ plug-in updates
(Internal Updates)

To finish preparations, also make sure that:
  • The same login account is consistently used.
    This includes uid and gid values as well.
  • SSH (preferably) or NFS is properly configured.
    Note that NFS is important to the mixed mode only.
The remote build configuration is set up in the Build Hosts Manage dialog box.
It's invoked by the main menu File | Create Remote C/C++ Project | Manage Hosts...
To change a remote build host properties,
click the Properties... button.
To add a remote build host,
click the Add.. button:
  • Type in the host FQDN in Hostname and click the Next > button.
    Then enter the Login/User and Password information.
    Consider ticking Remember Password checkbox.
    Click the OK button.
  • After a while the Tool Collections should be correctly detected.
    Select the appropriate project files access (synchronization) method.
    Again, this depends on the desired remote development mode.
    Finally, click the Finish button to conclude the host addition.
  • There's an additional step if the synchronization is System Level File Sharing.
    Use the Path Mapper... button to map paths to the sources' central location.

C++ remote build host

This is one of the coolest features present in Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 and NetBeans 6.9.
The term Remote Development seems usual, but I prefer the clearer Remote Build Host.
In a remote building scenario two separate hosts have the following activities (roles):

  • Coding   : A desktop or a laptop with a full-blown GUI IDE.
  • Building : A very powerful and efficient server with no GUI.
The remote building also supports running and debugging on mixed platforms.
Of course, this implies portable C/C++ coding.
For the sake of sanity I'll stick to, Solaris!

Depending on the setup, where the C/C++source files are kept, 3 modes are supported:

  • Simple   : At the local coding host.
  • Mixed    : On shared storage, such as NFS.
  • Full     : On the remote build host.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

C++ stability & evolution

I love the C++ language since the beginning.
For me it all begins with BASIC, then Pascal, then C, then Object Pascal and finally C++.
On this blog I intend to share my experience with Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3.
I do not intend to write about C++, at least not on this blog.
What all this had to do with Solaris after all?
Well, C has everything to do with UNIX™ and Solaris is UNIX™ for the best.
I've never looked at any Solaris source code but for the most part it must be purely C.
At the same time a lot of C++ code should out there, despite Java.
Solaris is recognized by its ABI stability, a practical and important aspect to business.
This ABI stability may represent a key foundation and that's why it may be a critical factor.
See Stephen Clamage's Stability of the C++ ABI: Evolution of a Programming Language.
Nevertheless, a new C++ standard has finally emerged, know as C++11.
The language's author, Bjarne Stroustrup, still like the former designation, C++0x.
The new standard,  ISO/IEC 14882:2011, is at ISO and a draft is available for free.
As projected there are modifications that may affect ABI implementations.
Bjarne's C++11 FAQ is a must reading for everyone using the old C++03 standard.
Current compilers, such as Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3, fully support only the old standard.
For me it seems inevitable that in the next couple of years things will have to change.
But I don't believe Solaris will break its 20 yeares ABI backwards compatibility.
I do hope that this major breakthrough is carefully handled.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Solaris 11.1 availability

Today is a great day!
Solaris 11.1 is available for downloading!
The new update continues raising the bar.
Tremendous enhancements and new features.
Oracle is definitely sustaining Solaris as the best UNIX™ ever.
Once more, since the beginning of this blog I can say:
If it must run, it runs on Solaris!
For the record, coincidence or not, Windows 8 became available today as well.
Unfortunately I didn't feel inclined to its new interface for desktop computing.
But that's another story that fortunately has nothing to do with Solaris.

Solaris 10 parallel zone patching

By a zoned Solaris 10 system I mean the existence of many non-global zones (NGZ).
There's perhaps a less known tunning that allows for parallel updating of multiple zones.
The num_proc setting is at /etc/patch/pdo.conf and described at pdo.conf(4).
The recommendation is to have num_proc equal to the on-line CPUs.
Thus, on a system with 4 online CPUs:
# psrinfo
0       on-line   since 10/18/2012 06:28:18
1       on-line   since 10/18/2012 06:28:18
2       on-line   since 10/18/2012 06:28:18
3       on-line   since 10/18/2012 06:28:18
A setting of 4 is recommended:
# cp -p /etc/patch/pdo.conf{,.0}
# vim /etc/patch/pdo.conf
# grep num_proc= /etc/patch/pdo.conf

# num_proc=
# num_proc=1 # default entry

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Unattended SVr4 package install

SVr4 relocatable and non-relocatable packages add/removal can be fully automated.
This is accomplished by CLI options for response and administration files.
For simplicity, assume /pkg/out as the current directory on all that follows.
# cd /pkg/out
A response file is required if the package uses an interactive request script.
If so, the pkgask command is used to record all the answers in this file.
That's the case with my sample relocatable package PHXapp1.
# pkgask -r ./PHXapp1.response -d ./PHXapp1.pkg PHXapp1 all
Processing package instance <PHXapp1> from </pkg/out/PHXapp1.pkg>
Relocatable sample package(i386,sparc) 1.0
Copyright (c) 2012 ...
Enter path to package base directory (q to quit) [/opt/PHXapp1] <ENTER>
Response file </pkg/out/PHXapp1.response> was created.
Processing of request script was successful.
# cat PHXapp1.response
Otherwise the following error message appears explaining the situation.
That's the case for my sample non-relocatable SMF service package PHXsvc1:
# pkgask -r ./PHXsvc1.response -d ./PHXsvc1.pkg PHXsvc1
pkgask: ERROR: ... does not contain an interactive request script
In general an administration file, admin(4), is required.
This is specially required if the package contains or references other scripts.
Basically and at a minimum, the following entries seem enough:
# cat PHX.admin
The above files make unattended package operations possible.

Option -r is for specifying the response file to pkgadd.
Option -a is for specifying the administration file to both pkgadd and pkgrm.
Optionally, the listing of the package contents can be omitted with option -n.

For the sample non-relocatable SMF service package PHXsvc1 it looks like:

# pkgadd -n -a ./PHX.admin -d ./PHXsvc1.pkg all
Copyright (c) 2012 ...
Installation of <PHXsvc1> was successful.

# pkgrm -n -a ./PHX.admin PHXsvc1
Waiting up to 30 seconds for svc:/site/phx-svc:default to stop...
Removal of <PHXsvc1> was successful.

For the sample relocatable application package PHXapp1 it looks like:

# pkgadd
  -a ./PHX.admin
  -r ./PHXapp1.response
  -d ./PHXapp1.pkg
Copyright (c) 2012 ... 
Installation of <PHXapp1> was successful.

# pkgrm -n -a ./PHX.admin PHXapp1
Removing package base directory.
Removal of <PHXapp1> was successful.

Monday, September 24, 2012

SVr4 relocatable package

A relocatable package can be more easily developed then a non-relocatable package.
This is probably because it tends to be more self-contained.
The very first steps are common task.
# zfs create -o mountpoint=/pkg data/pkg
# zfs create data/pkg/src
# zfs create data/pkg/out
# mkdir /pkg/src/PHXapp1
# cd /pkg/src/PHXapp1
The main idea of a relocatable package is that of a base directory.
It's the root of a directory hierarchy comprising all of the package contents.
It's highly recommended to choose somewhere under /opt and not /usr/local.
Also organize the directory hierarchy, contents, ownership and permissions.
(metafiles are highlighted below just to make them better distinguishable)
# cp -pr /project/PHXapp1/* .
# ll
total ...
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  bin         4 Sep 24 11:38 bin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  bin         3 Sep 24 11:38 include
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  bin         3 Sep 24 11:39 lib
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  bin         3 Sep 24 11:38 man

-rw-r--r--   1 root  root      186 Sep 25 14:40 copyright
-rw-r--r--   1 root  root      236 Sep 28 07:52 pkginfo
-rw-r--r--   1 root  root      381 Sep 28 10:19 request

-rw-r--r--   1 root  root       69 Sep 28 08:01 postremove
-rw-r--r--   1 root  root      333 Sep 28 08:26 prototype

Most of what's left to do is quite similar to the non-relocatable package's creation.
The first noticeable exception is the pkginfo's BASEDIR variable.
Note that by omitting BASEDIR will make pkgkadd emit an empty prompt for it.
Don't omit BASEDIR to make it a default to a request script base directory prompt.

Interestingly the BASEDIR is not automatically removed by pkgrm.
As the package is relocatable, the base directory may vary among installations.
Thus it isn't a good idea to hard code the base directory in the prototype either.
There comes in the postremove script together with the CLIENT_BASEDIR variable.
# cat pkginfo
NAME="Relocatable sample package"
DESC="Relocatable package demonstration"
VENDOR="AZ - Learnings on Solaris"
PSTAMP="Sep 24, 2012"
# cat prototype
! search bin include lib man
i copyright
i pkginfo
i request
i postremove
d none bin 0755 root sys
f none bin/script 0750 root root
f none bin/app1 0550 root sys
d none lib 0755 root sys
f none lib/libapp1 0444 root root
d none include 0755 root sys
f none include/app1.h 0444 root root
d none man 0755 root sys
f none man/man1 0644 root root

# cat request
while [ 1 ]
    printf "\nPath to base directory (q to quit) [$BASEDIR] "
    read DIRECTORY
    case "$DIRECTORY" in
        "") break;
        /*) BASEDIR="$DIRECTORY"
         q) exit 1
         *) printf "\tERROR: Path must begin with a slash (/).\n"
cat >$1 <EOF
exit 0

# cat postremove
echo Removing package base directory.
# Let the system complain if directory not empty (as expected).
exit 0
# pkgmk -o -d /pkg/out
## Building pkgmap from package prototype file.
## Processing pkginfo file.
## Attempting to volumize 9 entries in pkgmap.
part  1 -- 22 blocks, 21 entries
## Packaging one part.
## Validating control scripts.
## Packaging complete.
# pkgtrans /pkg/out /pkg/out/PHXapp1.pkg PHXapp1
# ll /pkg/out 
total ...
drwxr-xr-x   3 root root       5 Sep 24 11:39 PHXapp1
-rw-r--r--   1 root root    4.0K Sep 24 12:25 PHXapp1.pkg


A few verifications could be:
# pkgchk -d /pkg/out/PHXapp1.pkg all
Checking uninstalled stream format package <PHXapp1> from </pkg/out/PHXapp1.pkg>
## Checking control scripts.
## Checking package objects.
## Checking is complete.
# pkginfo -l -d /pkg/out/PHXapp1.pkg
   PKGINST:  PHXapp1
      NAME:  Relocatable sample package
  CATEGORY:  system
      ARCH:  i386,sparc
   VERSION:  1.0
   BASEDIR:  /opt/PHXapp1
    VENDOR:  AZ - Learnings on Solaris
      DESC:  Relocatable package demonstration
    PSTAMP:  Sep 24, 2012
    STATUS:  spooled
     FILES:       14 spooled pathnames
                   4 directories
                   2 executables
                   5 package information files
                   5 blocks used (approx)


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Custom JumpStart first boot

Assume that the setup is according to Custom JumpStart framework setup.
Once the base system is installed, additional customization can take place.
In order to achieve this, an script must be run once on the first boot.
The options are:
  • A traditional self-destructive initialization script.
    This may be simpler but it's deprecated, so better avoid it.
  • A transient self-destructive SMF service.
    The overall benefits of SMF tend to compensate the hurdles.  

For manageability, wrap the SMF service on a non-relocatable SVr4 package.
Make sure to avoid all interactions during package installation and removal.
This way it can be included in the Custom JumpStart general conveniences.
Assume such a package named AZ-1st-boot containing the following:
  • A transient service manifest, AZ-1st-boot.xml, describing the transient service.
    To be automatically imported into services database on the next reboot,
    place this file in /var/svc/manifest/site.
  • The first boot script,, is invoked by the transient service. 
    The /opt directory is the only correct place to put additional software.
    The /usr/local is not recommended for anything in Solaris.

Incidentally for a first boot script the class manifest must not be used.
If in the correct place, the SMF service manifest will be imported on the first boot.

As an example, each file could be as follows:
# cd /pkg/src/AZ-1st-boot
# cat pkginfo
NAME="AZ first boot"
DESC="A 1st-boot one-time-only SMF service for finishing installation"
VENDOR="AZ - Learnings on Solaris"
PSTAMP="Oct 11, 2012"
# cat prototype 
i pkginfo
f none /var/svc/manifest/site/AZ-1st-boot.xml 0444 root sys

d none /opt/site 0755 root sys
f none /opt/site/ 0555 root sys
# cat AZ-1st-boot.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM "/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1">

<service_bundle type='manifest' name='AZ:1st-boot-svc'>
<service name='site/1st-boot-svc' type='service' version='1'>

<create_default_instance enabled='true'/>

    restart_on='none' type='service'>
        <service_fmri value='svc:/milestone/multi-user:default'/>

            <method_credential user='root'/>


<property_group name='startd' type='framework'>
    <propval name='duration' type='astring' value='transient'/>


# cat
. /lib/svc/share/
# configure and enable SAR
$BIN/ed -s /var/spool/cron/crontabs/sys <<EOF
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * 0-6 /usr/lib/sa/sa1
59 23 * * 0-6 /usr/lib/sa/sa2 -A

$SBIN/svcadm enable svc:/system/sar:default
# configure FSS scheduler
$SBIN/dispadmin -d FSS
# self-destroy

$SBIN/svcadm disable svc:/site/1st-boot-svc:default
$SBIN/svccfg delete -f svc:/site/1st-boot-svc:default
$BIN/ed -s <<EOF
w /tmp/AZ.admin
$SBIN/pkgrm -n -a /tmp/AZ.admin AZ-1st-boot
# end
$SBIN/shutdown -i6 -g5 -y

# pkgmk -o -d /package
## Building pkgmap from package prototype file.
## Processing pkginfo file.
WARNING: missing directory entry for
WARNING: missing directory entry for </var>
WARNING: missing directory entry for </var/svc>
WARNING: missing directory entry for </var/svc/manifest>
WARNING: missing directory entry for </var/svc/manifest/site>
## Attempting to volumize 3 entries in pkgmap.
part  1 -- 18 blocks, 14 entries
## Packaging one part.
## Validating control scripts.
## Packaging complete.