Thursday, October 25, 2012

Solaris 10 parallel zone patching

By a zoned Solaris 10 system I mean the existence of many non-global zones (NGZ).
There's perhaps a less known tunning that allows for parallel updating of multiple zones.
The num_proc setting is at /etc/patch/pdo.conf and described at pdo.conf(4).
The recommendation is to have num_proc equal to the on-line CPUs.
Thus, on a system with 4 online CPUs:
# psrinfo
0       on-line   since 10/18/2012 06:28:18
1       on-line   since 10/18/2012 06:28:18
2       on-line   since 10/18/2012 06:28:18
3       on-line   since 10/18/2012 06:28:18
A setting of 4 is recommended:
# cp -p /etc/patch/pdo.conf{,.0}
# vim /etc/patch/pdo.conf
# grep num_proc= /etc/patch/pdo.conf

# num_proc=
# num_proc=1 # default entry