Monday, February 27, 2012

Standard smpatch configuration

To take advantage of smpatch it's necessary to register the system.
There are two options in terms of where to point to:
  1. A local update proxy/cache.
    Requires a fully functional patchsvr
    More convenient and efficient.
  2. Directly to Oracle after proper system registration.
    Requires individual configuration of proxy parameters.
    Could be left as a last resort.
Here's a sample for the first option:
# smpatch set patchpro.patch.source=http://patchsvr-1:3816
$ smpatch get""""""/var/sadm/spool""/var/sadm/spool

Don't set any special backout directory as it doesn't work probably due to a bug.
This way the default backout directory /var/sadm/patch is used which is fine.

Some changes to an updating configuration may require cleaning caches:
If using a patchsvr, stop and clear the server cache first.
Then, proceed with the client cache clean-up:
# cd /var/sadm/spool
# rm cache/xml/*
# rm cache/updatemanager/analysis.results/*
# rm cache/entitlement/*
# rm cache/Database/*
# rm cache/*detectors*

At last, start the patchsvr again:
patchsvr-1# patchsvr start

Introducing the smpatch update tool

I think that the regularly updated patchsets are great to update baseline images.
But in my opinion, smpatch is the best tool to maintain Solaris 10 up to date.
It's simple to use yet very powerful in getting the job done.
It's built-in and easy to configure as well.

Here's a few goodies:

  • Update level analysis;
  • Download specific patches;
  • Perform partial or full updates;
  • Target a specific boot-environment (BE);
  • Update Solaris 10 zones in Solaris 11 system.

Furthermore, it's possible to point to a local update proxy/cache of patches.
This offloads the Internet link by avoiding redundant downloads.
Of course, it speeds up the update process as well.
This mode doesn't require system registration.

    Saturday, February 25, 2012

    Assumption on file system

    It's assumed that ZFS is the main file system.
    For me there's simply no good reason otherwise.
    ZFS is not perfect but it's way much better than UFS.
    And it's mature enough to go into production.
    But you have to adhere to best practices.

    Again I'm assuming an ordinary standard installation of Solaris.
    I'm not considering, for example, Cluster or third-parties add-ons. 
    In general a 2-way mirrored root pool (rpool) will be used for everything.
    Certainly, for many other scenarios it's best to use additional pools.

    Assumption on version and release

    It's assumed a current release of Solaris by the date of a publishing.
    I hope to avoid the legacies as much as I can.
    Up to October, 25th 2012 this means either Solaris 10 08/11 (U10) or Solaris 11/11.
    On the above date Solaris 11.1 has been launched!

    One big problem is what to do with outdated posts due to the natural evolution of Solaris.
    At some point I shall start tagging each post with a version identification string.
    I also assume an ordinary and standard installation of Solaris.
    In general, I use minimal bash shell customizations, such as the ll alias to ls -lh.
    I'm not considering Cluster scenarios or third-parties complements or extensions.

    Solaris, a solid Unix™ foundation

    Initially, due to popularity, I though Linux was the most convenient learning path to Unix™. In face of the many different brands of Linux I soon realized the opposite. I think it uses an ad-hoc design and its flavors are not consistent among each other, wildly varying in terms of vision, goals, features, integration, stability, support and life-cycle. I can help being somewhat straight but Linux environments are generally a mess or at least a poorly manageable mixture.

    Solaris on the other hand uses a careful design and doesn't suffer from any of these problems. Thus, it provides a much more solid foundation one can rely on and build up a much more robust IT back-end infrastructure for the enterprise.
    I also recognize FreeBSD as an excellent platform for the open source market.
    AiX™ may be great if operated by its maker, not by SysAdmins, so all bets are off.

    In my opinion, the main drawback of Solaris is the lack of applications.
    That's odd as any seasoned developer can recognize its strong foundation and tools.
    A fairly nice desktop, GNOME, has been provided in Solaris 11, phasing out legacies.
    Any well seasoned SysAdmin will endorse the following slogan:
    If it must run, it runs on Solaris!