Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year! Again!

By the Gregorian calendar the year 2015 is over...
So, welcome 2016!

I wish you all a happy new year!
I still hope that the world become a better place for all!
In 2016 I still hope that you at least try making the difference!
Happiness consists on making the others happier.
By now we've been truth Solaris 11.2 and are now at version 11.3!
That's great! I was right about Solaris and other things as well...
But the story isn't over yet. Those that will live will see... :-)

And yes I still think that Solaris is the #1 back-end infrastructure OS of choice!
And I'd like that industry standards get stronger and simpler;
both for enterprises and for low-end consumers!

Thank you!
Take care.