Another important part of Custom JumpStart is the install rules and profiles files.
The rules selects which clients qualify and which profiles are used in each case.
All of the following is done in the /jumpstart directory:
# cd /jumpstart
The syntax of the rules files is reasonably flexible to get the job done.
As an example, let's show one that distinguishes between X86 and SPARC clients.
# cat rules
# # keyword & value begin profile finish
# ----------------------------------- ----- ------------- ------
karch i86pc && memsize 1024-8192 - profile_x86_s -
karch i86pc && memsize 8193-65536 - profile_x86_m -
karch i86pc && memsize 65537-524288 - profile_x86_l -
karch sparc - profile_sparc -
Edit each referenced profile accordingly.
Assume as the IP address of the X86 Custom JumpStart server.
The difference between X86 and SPARC profiles are patch numbers and server IP.
I also assume at least an available pair of disks equal or close in size.
Instead of letting the installer compute the swap size (auto) I've chosen to have 4g.
# cat profile_x86_s
# keyword value
# --------------- ----------------------
install_type initial_install
system_type server
cluster SUNWCXall
pool rpool auto 4g auto mirror any any
bootenv installbe bename JumpStart dataset /var
locale en_US.UTF-8
geo N_America
package SFWncur add nfs
package SFWvim add nfs
package SFWscrn add nfs
package AZ-first-boot add nfs
patch 121119-20 nfs
patch 121431-84 nfs
patch 123896-50 nfs
patch 119789-11 nfs
Finally, verify if everything is OK, generating the rules.ok file.
# cp -p /install/Solaris_10/Misc/jumpstart_sample/check .
# ./check
Validating rules...
Validating profile profile_x86_s...
Validating profile profile_x86_m...
Validating profile profile_x86_l...
Validating profile profile_x86_s...
Validating profile profile_x86_m...
Validating profile profile_x86_l...
Validating profile profile_sparc...
The custom JumpStart configuration is ok.
The custom JumpStart configuration is ok.
# ll rules*