Thursday, August 16, 2012

Custom JumpStart conveniences

Assume that the setup is according to Custom JumpStart framework installation.
Needless to say how convenient is to add essential packages and patches at install time.
The most critical patch is the one related to "Update Connection System Client".
Without it, a Solaris 10 update 10 system cannot get further updates.
See Solaris 10 smpatch configuration for more information.
# smpatch download -d /patch -f -i 121119  (or 121118 for SPARC) 
121119-20 has been validated.
# unzip -q /patch/ -d /patch
# rm /patch/
It may be worthy to immediately make sure "Live Upgrade" is up-to-date.

# smpatch download -d /patch -f -i 121431  (or 121430 for SPARC)
121431-84 has been validated.
# unzip -q /patch/ -d /patch
# rm /patch/
You can do the same for the "Common Agent Container (cacao)":
123896 for X86 or 123893 for SPARC.
For options and architectures of third-party general purpose packages to add go to:
To me, the most essential of such packages to put (uncompressed) in /package are:
If you have a support contract then you'll be able to add even more.
For example, to add STB (Service Tools Bundle):
  • Download it from the My Oracle Support;
  • Extract it to a temporary directory;
  • Copy to /jumpstart/extras
  • Make sure to make it executable (a+x).