Monday, April 22, 2013

Solaris 11 Express

I'd like to take a break for an honorable mention to Solaris 11 Express.
Although it isn't as good as Solaris 11, it still can be a quite good 32-bit SOHO platform.
It runs on old hardware that can't run Solaris 11.
It has even been used with Engineered Systems.
It offers many application packages, efficient virtualization and, of course, ZFS!
It's a pity that the last useful support repository update was SRU 13.
But you may even live well without it and still get many benefits.

The major annoyance is due to Solaris 11's new syntax adopted in many commands.
Unfortunately in these cases we have no option but to cope with them.
In spite of that I think it's still better than FreeBSD or OpenIndiana.
Least to say that you're in a better path to Solaris 11.