Friday, June 28, 2013

Profile shells

Profile shells pfexec(1) are part of rbac(5) implementation.
They are great but have to be used with caution, upon "best practices".

One important point to highlight, possibly as a best practice, is that built-in rights profiles, prof_attr(4), those located in /etc/security/prof_attr.d and also viewable with profiles(1), may exhibit unexpected behavior if combined with profile shells.


$ who am i
prime      pts/3        Jun 24 11:26    (:0.0)

$ whoami

$ mkdir test

$ ll -d test
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     staff        117 Jun 24 11:28 test

$ ll -d /tmp
drwxrwxrwt  18 root     sys         2.2K Jun 24 11:28 /tmp

$ pkg info entire | grep Version
       Version: 0.5.11 (Oracle Solaris

$ id -a
uid=60004(prime) gid=10(staff) groups=10(staff)

$ getent passwd prime
prime:x:60004:10:Prime Admin:/home/prime:/usr/bin/pfbash

$ getent passwd 60004
prime:x:60004:10:Prime Admin:/home/prime:/usr/bin/pfbash

$ getent user_attr prime
prime::::type=normal;...;profiles=System Administrator;roles=...

As seen above, unexpected side-effects, such as persistent file system attributes (in this case just the ownership), takes place: if the same user (in this case prime) subsequently tries to put something in /tmp/test, it won't succeed because under the System Administrator rights profile, cp(1) or mv(1) don't have the same privilege elevation (uid=0) as mkdir(1).

Still in other words:
Profile shells provides automatic temporary privilege elevation.
The automation is handy, unless there are persistent side-effects.
I'd say profile shells are convenient and recommended only when it can be assured that the side-effects aren't persistent or harmful. As it's impossible to control this for the built-in rights profiles, it's better to avoid combining them.
Hence it's still better to explicitly use the traditional pfexec(1) instead of specifying (with the -e option) a profile shell to passwd(1). Indeed, pfexec(1) is still more convenient and safer than the ubiquitous sudo(1m).
Nevertheless, in this particular example, I shall investigate if somehow the authorization solaris.file.owner from /etc/security/auth_attr.d/core-os mitigates the issue.