Monday, October 28, 2013


The pam_list PAM account management module for UNIX, as described in pam_list(5), is a modern and more manageable and scalable version of the traditional way of restricting user's access to a system. In fact, it's superior to the traditional additions to /etc/passwd method as PAM centralizes all authentication and authorization operations of a standard system.

The recent Solaris version, at this time Solaris 11.1 SRU 12.5, even support the newer and more manageable /etc/pam.d structure in alternative to the traditional monolithic /etc/pam.conf.

My favorite use case is the following entries in /etc/pam.d/other:

    account requisite
    account required
    account required allow=/etc/users.allow

Where /etc/users.allow contains:


The pam_list(5) man describe more options, including the possibility of considering roles, which as ignored by default, in addition to logins. In particular, I see the possibility of referencing a netgroup as a very flexible and powerful feature.
After saving changes to /etc/users.allow it may take a little while for the module to reflect the changes, that is, it is not immediate.