Tuesday, April 8, 2014

NIS & roles

I've already posted about NIS & logins.
This post is a similar one but about NIS & roles.

A role is an account that is used to indirectly access the system.
As a login it posses the concepts of credential and home directory.
Those resources are conveniently centrally managed by NIS services.
Unfortunately NIS can't provide nowadays security requirements.
Nevertheless, it may still be very useful on restricted scenarios.

I reinstate the assumptions listed on NIS & logins.
Nevertheless I make one exception (just for illustration):
the NIS master host nis-1 is an immutable zones of host-1.

On this example, I'll create a role called nis.
The goal is to manage NIS through this role avoiding the cumbersome sudo.

To perform the series of changes on nis-1 reboot it into read-write mode:
(when finished, reboot it once again to reenter the read-only mode)

host-1# zoneadm -z nis-1 reboot -w

Create the role account on the NIS master:

nis-1# roleadd -c "NIS" -K roleauth=user nis

nis-1# getent passwd nis

nis-1# passwd nis
New Password:
Re-enter new Password:
passwd: password successfully changed for nis

Copy the role basic configuration to the appropriate maps' sources:

nis-1# grep nis /etc/passwd >> /var/nis/acct/passwd
nis-1# grep nis /etc/shadow >> /var/nis/acct/shadow

Clean up the local role account from the NIS master:

nis-1# roledel nis

Edit the group and home directory configuration on the passwd map.
It should look like as follows:

nis-1# grep nis /var/nis/acct/passwd

nis-1# grep nis /var/nis/group

Edit the netgroup configuration.
It should look somewhat similar to:
nis-1# cat /var/nis/netgroup
nisadmin ... (-,nis,business.corp) ...

Edit the project configuration on the project map.
It should look like as follows:

nis-1# grep nis /var/nis/project

nis-1# grep nis /var/nis/user_attr  

Edit the automounter configuration on the auto_home map.
It should look like as follows:

nis-1# grep nis /var/nis/auto_home
nis nfs-1.business.corp:/export/home/&

Run make on the updated sources:

nis-1:/var/yp# make
updated passwd
pushed passwd
updated ageing
updated netid
pushed netid
updated project
pushed project
updated netgroup
pushed netgroup
updated auto.home
pushed auto.home
updated user_attr
pushed user_attr

Verify that the maps were correctly updated:

nis-2$ ypmatch -k nis passwd
nis: nis:...:103:1001:NIS:/home/nis:/usr/bin/pfbash

nis-2$ ypmatch -k nis auto.home
nis: nfs-1.business.corp:/export/home/&

nis-2$ ypmatch -k nisadmin project
nisadmin: nisadmin:102:NISAdmin:nis::

nis-2$ ypmatch -k nis user_attr
nis: nis::::project=nisadmin;type=role;roleauth=user;...

nis-2$ ypcat -k netgroup | grep nis
nisadmin (-,nis,business.corp)

Create and export the home directory:

nfs-1# zfs create \
> -o quota=1g \
> -o share.nfs.sec.sys.rw="desktops:servers" \
> rpool/export/home/nis

nfs-1# cp /etc/skel/.profile /export/home/nis
nfs-1# cp /etc/skel/.bashrc /export/home/nis

nfs-1# chown -R nis:root /export/home/nis

nfs-1# ll -a /export/home/nis
total 11
drwxr-xr-x   5 root     root    ... ..
drwxr-xr-x   2 nis     
nis     ... .
-rw-r--r--   1 nis     
nis     ... .profile
-r--r--r--   1 nis     
nis     ... .bashrc

nfs-1# zfs set share.nfs=on rpool/export/home/nis

nfs-1# zfs get -o value share rpool/export/home/nis

In addition to the update of NIS maps, if there were changes on any NIS netgroup that's referenced on some NFS share, then it's necessary to refresh the NFS service.

In order to be useful, roles must be associated with logins.
To associate the role nis with the login user2 alter the user_attr NIS map.

nis-1# grep nis /var/nis/user_attr  

Then run make on the updated source:

nis-1:/var/yp# make

It's important to note that during this processes there were no disruption of service to clients as all NIS clients should have been associated only to NIS slave servers.