Monday, August 4, 2014

Solaris 11.2 (General Availability)

Last Friday was a great day!
Solaris 11.2 General Availability (GA) was made available!

The main propaganda is around the integration with Open Stack.
That's a way to leverage the underlying Solaris technologies.
So far I haven't tried OpenStack but perhaps someday.
This is an interesting milestone:
Oracle was originally investing on its proprietary software.
I mean the Enterprise Manager Ops Center solution and add-ins.
Perhaps I should be glad I have invested almost no precious time on it.
According to my experience and first impressions I decided to wait.
But of course I have kept an eye on it as one never knows.
With Open Stack Oracle may have performed a clever step.
But of course things will depend on the Open Source community.
We'll see.
I hope this new release continues to be a solid step onwards.
I had to download around 8 GB of essential installers and repositories.
I'm expecting to meet newer versions of many pre-packaged software.
We'll see.