Text attributes
0 All attributes OFFText Colors
1 Bold
2 Dimmed (odd with magenta)
4 Underscore (monochrome displays only)
7 Reversed (foreground/background)
8 Hidden (concealed)
9 Stroke-through
Foreground BackgroundThe escape sequence, as a whole, begins by the escape character, which is the ASCII 27 (0x1B) character, followed by the [ character, followed by a semicolon-separated ANSI codes list as per the above tables, finally ending on a lowercase m. That is:
Black 30 40
Red 31 41
Green 32 42
Yellow 33 43
Blue 34 44
Magenta 35 45
Cyan 36 46
White 37 47
Esc[<code-1>;...;<code-n>mBut depending on where it's used, the initial escape character (Esc) or the sequence itself is indicated in particular ways. For instance, even in various components of BASH it varies as follows:
\[\e[ANSI-codes-list\] - In PS1 and PS2 prompts definition
\e[ANSI-codes-list - In .inputrc definitions
^[[ANSI-codes-list - On scripts (^V+Esc in VIM generates ^[)
As a real example, see the following excerpt from a PS1 definition:
(an expanded example is found at Shell initialization files)
O='\[\e[0m\]' # all off
B='\[\e[0;1m\]' # bright / bold
Y='\[\e[0;33m\]' # yellow / orange
PS1="$PS1"$([[ "$LOGNAME" != root ]] && echo "$Y\u$B@")
PS1="$PS1$Y\h$B:$O\w\n$B\\\$$O "
export PS1
It will produce something similar to:
$ _
Many interesting things can be done with ANSI escape sequences.
There's also some more advanced features such as:
- Cursor positioning
- Clearing the screen, the line and so on...