Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Limiting /tmp size

It's no doubt that the /tmp file system is very useful and an indispensable item.
But as you know it's based on the system provided swap space.
Thus it's a good idea to limit /tmp.

This is easily done by edint /etc/vfstab.
But I reboot is required in order to changes take effect.

Here's an example of limiting /tmp to 2 GB.
Just edit the corresponding line as below:

$ grep tmp /etc/vfstab
swap   -   /tmp   tmpfs   -   yes   size=2048m

But be aware of one caveat when setting a limit: don't set it too low for a normal system operation, that is, before setting a value, take a baseline of the typical space consumption of /tmp and set a reasonable value above it. Otherwise, you'll likely see unexpected error messages in apparently non-related components or subsystems that fail to allocate some space in /tmp

As an example of failing to identify a baseline before setting a limit, take my experience on setting a 1 GB limit and not noticing /tmp filling up until I get an error message from X screensaver after locking my desktop stating "ftruncate() error: no space left on device". I couldn't find any other indication on /var/adm/messages, SMF services or ZFS pools and file systems that could indicate a device filling up, until I realize the /tmp limit just because I was researching the possibility of encrypting swap, which, by the way, is still unsupported in Solaris 11.1. In fact, in the event of those "mysterious" error messages only DTrace can help spot the source or at least provide a good clue.