So if you're planning to set aside some "cool hardware" for your Solaris 11.3 kernel zones, I suggest you learn from this experience of mine beforehand in order to make sure your "cool hardware" and system setup meet all the requirements.
You may start by checking the man page solaris-kz(5):
...In my case, in general, I've got:
The solaris-kz brand uses certain hardware features which may not be available in older systems, or in virtualized environments. To detect whether a system supports the solaris-kz brand, install the brand-solaris-kz package and then run the virtinfo command.
# virtinfo -c supported list kernel-zone
If kernel-zone is not shown in the supported list, you can seesyslogfor more information. Messages pertaining to kernel zones will contain the string kernel-zone.
$ virtinfo -c supported list kernel-zone
kernel-zone: no such supported virtual environment found
$ virtinfo
non-global-zone supported
And under VirtualBox 5.1.18 r114002, I've got:
$ virtinfo
virtualbox current
non-global-zone supported
Well, it's true that in the logs you'll have to look for kernel-zone.
But you'll have to do so in /var/adm/messages instead.
So I set out to further investigate what was missing.
For my physical box I've got:
$ grep kernel-zone /var/adm/messages | cut -d: -f5,6 | sort -u
... environment not supported: VMX already in use
... unsupported Intel model 15
And under VirtualBox (on that same physical box), I've got:
$ grep kernel-zone /var/adm/messages | cut -d: -f5,6 | sort -u
... environment not supported: CPU doesn't have VMX
According to a wikipedia article on x86 virtualization, VMX happen to be the designation for the CPU flag related to VT-x support. What caught my attention was the single message VMX already in use. It appeared just once and it's true I have enabled virtualization support on my physical box's BIOS which makes me wonder if the situation would change in favor of kernel-zones meeting all its requirements if I completely uninstall VirtualBox. I haven't tried it yet nor I'm willing to do it right now as I do heavy use of VirtualBox. But depending on the scenario, the trade-off would certainly pay off.
By the way, I'd like to mention that I did try something less drastic than uninstalling VirtualBox. I tried disabling (setting to off) the VirtualBox's property hwvirtexclusive but that didn't make any difference in solving the problem (at least as to version 5.1.18). Later I found a forum entry about this that claims to have worked, but this was for earlier versions.