Saturday, April 22, 2017

Sessions & Process Groups

In the very start of the endeavor to the daemons' underground world it's inevitable to be acquainted with a few, perhaps new, essential concepts about processes in terms of how they are collected within the system.

Without further digressions, processes are collected into process groups. But there's an elaboration on top of this leading to another concept called sessions, which is associated to the historical concept of job control from a time lacking the pletora of GUI terminals if not, perhaps, just the rare and crude xterm which some ancient seems to inconditionally love.

Although not really a big mistery, the descriptions about these concepts (process groups, sessions and their related) seems unecessarily convoluted in Intro(2) and termio(7I), which can partially obfuscate understanding its central apparatus. My intention is, thus, to address these obstacules by attempting to streamline some ideas and clarify some of these concepts definitions and descriptions:

A collection of processes that begins when created by a given process which is thereof defined as its process group leader. The process group ends when the last process in the process group ends of leaves the process group.

During its lifetime it's uniquely identified by a positive integer called the process group ID (PGID), which exactly matches the process ID (PID) of its process group leader and furnishes a way of signaling all its member processes as a whole.

Any process that is not a process group leader may create a new process group or a new session (becoming itself the process group leader and, eventually, the session leader of the newly created entity) or yet may join another process group in the same session.

Each process in the system is a member of a single process group and every newly created process joins the process group and session of its parent (process).
A collection of process groups that begins when created by a given process which is thereof defined as its session leader. The session ends when the last process in the session ends of leaves the session

During its lifetime it's uniquely identified by a positive integer called the session ID (SID), which exactly matches the process ID (PID) of its original session leader. The original session leader is also the process group leader for the session's originally first process group, hence its process ID (PID) matches its session ID (SID) and its process group ID (PGID) and, as such, the session ID (SID) also matches its originally first process group ID (PGID).

A session is capable of being biunivocally (one-to-one) associated to a terminal (the controlling terminal, /dev/tty according to tty(7D)) by the session leader (the controlling process) which establishes the connection. As sessions are inherited by new processes created within it, so are the controlling terminals, although this association can be broken if these new processes establish a new session (setsid(2)). The controlling terminal can send/handle certain (typically quit and interrupt) signals to the process groups in the (controlling process') session that, in general, will cause them to stop, unless they have made arrangements to mask this out or are orphaned process groups.

Orphaned process groups are those that share the controlling terminal but whose processes' parents do not belong to any other process group in the same session.

Among the process groups in the session, the controlling terminal will distinguish one of them as the foreground process group, thereby exclusively granting it certain terminal access prerrogatives, and treat all the other process groups in that (controlling process') session as background process groups. By default, the controlling process' (session leader's) process group is assigned as the foreground process group.
As for a real world example of a few of these concepts in action applied to a daemon creation you may be interested in browsing the output from truss applied to a sample daemon creation code around the fork() and setsid() system calls and associated PIDs and PPIDs numbers.