Thursday, March 10, 2016

GNOME Nautilus terminals

This post is yet another example of GNOME Nautilus scripts.
Back in 2014 it seems I have forgotten to cover this handy feature.
The credits go to Oracle Solaris support team, not me.
I simply embellish the topic for the benefit of all.

Here's the recipe:

Change directories to your local GNOME configuration:

$ cd $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts

or maybe

$ cd ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts

Being there, create the following empty executable script:

$ touch open-in-terminal
$ chmod a+x open-in-terminal

At least under Solaris 11.3 which features Nautilus 2.30.1 under GNOME 2.30.2 is just that simple! The script can be empty and in fact any contents seems to be ignored. All that matters is the presence of the properly named script (executable) file called open-in-terminal.